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Friday, August 4, 2017

What I learned from: July.

Hey all you important people I hope you all are doing lovely! Hope your Summer is going well and that you all know you are making the best out of your Summer!Anywho, so one day as I was getting ready for work, I was just playing a game of thinking at the end of July(and ya'll that I of course do a lot of that..unfortunately? LOL). Anyways, I actually got to thinking that I perhaps learned something new after this whole month of July. I will just share with you today on what I learned!

First, off what was I thinking? I was thinking how my mind changed emotionally and psychologically after taking this certain program. Of course learning more about yourself is something that happens everyday and is always a constant change just like the world or the environment (Hello Motha Nature: Lol that awkward moment when motha nature is Sunny but randomly decides to rain and drizzle after yo put on makeup like Bish.. Really?!). But, I learned something so soothing and super helpful, my mind changed. I learned to be more ok with myself and learned not only to not let others control your thoughts or emotions or even behavior, but I also learned that mostly, you can't control others behaviors, thoughts, emotions, etc. Thus, because you can't control something is not your fault, so no need to get mad at it, if you can't control it let it be free, and just no it is beyond your control, thus to just accept the uncontrollable. If you try and manipulate a situation, things, or other, you will make yourself go crazy. Now I am not a therapist or psychologist, I am not a expert, but this is just something I learned and it works!

So why not try and do this challenge with me perhaps? Try and accept the uncontrollable. What you can do is know it is not your fault, but if something is your fault, then don't be harsh on your self, do have humility, but try again to better, get back up, and try again for next time and work hard with yourself. Be yourselves best friend and know that, you got this. There is truly nothing you can't do, thus have that complete hope with yourself.

I love you all so so much! Take care because I care!<333333

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