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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Self-Care Becomes Daily Pamper Me

Photo Credit: Kaboom Pics

Photo credit to Camille Styles

Hey all you important people!!! I missed blogging on here so much! It has been too long since I last posted. I am so excited that I am back in the blogging game. Happy belated Valentine’s day to you as well. Now, of course, no one needs an S.O. for V-Day, but if you have one or not, I still have you covered with tips on self-care. This post isn't only for self-care on Valentine's day and is for an everyday and anytime you need a pick-me-up day. I'll be sharing with you all the tips on self-care and how to find a type of daily self-care routine that needs no scheduling with little hints of how to sneak in a little self-care from day to day all without breaking the bank. All the self-care tips will be a “Feels like a pamper me day” whether you schedule it or not. 

When you think of self-care, what do you think of? Is it something that must be well planned or something extravagant as well as a tad bit stressful?

If yes, then I have good news for you with this post. Self-care doesn't have to be extravagant and if you want to have something extravagant, then save that for extra special "pamper me days." Self-care could be a routine, or you could do it just anytime you feel like you truly need it, but what if I told you self-care is also a thing, we do without thinking?  For example, washing your face or body. So, why not make these boring routines or not-so-routines  feel like a pamper me as well? Here’s how:

To a Schedule or Not to Schedule?

I am so glad to share with you that I have finally mastered having my own self-care routine, but how did I do it? I don't schedule self-care, but I do try  to sneak it in from day to day without thinking about it. So, I guess it became my automatic self-care routine. That is only a slight tip of how I make my not-so-routine to a routine self-care. If you would rather schedule self-care,  that’s still a  great plan. I talk about that as well. However, if you’re like me and have a hectic schedule, unfortunately routines don't go as planned. However, having a routine not thought of or missed out on are both OK, but if you like being organized you could make a routine. In short, if you like sticking to a schedule and could do so, you should make it into a routine. If you do have a hectic schedule or just do not have time to organize, then you don’t need to make a scheduled routine at all. 

To make a self-care routine that is not schedule check out my tips and skip down to that section below! They are so simple to just sneak in from day to day.

Schedule Time

Just because you missed a self-care step, doesn’t mean you should give up. To me, if you missed something in self-care or forgot about self-care altogether, I would say it is a means to keep trying until you get it right and to just do it next time  for when you decide to do so next in your schedule.  Either way, you need not worry if you missed, washing your face, for example as self -care. I would just do it the next day or perhaps make a new schedule. In addition, just play around with scheduling until you get your perfect routine right and try making a schedule doesn’t have to be complex either. First off, I’d say try to be honest with your schedule and how you would rather do things. For example,  if you hate waking up early and don’t have time to wash your face throughout a day and you only have time before, say school or work, then maybe either don’t make an excuse and wake up early. Another tip I would recommend is maybe you shower in the morning, then try to fit a time in your shower routine or if you shower at night just wash your face in your nighttime shower routine. Finally, voila you are done! But if scheduling never works for you, I finally have the great tips right below!

No Schedules Attached

1) My Night-Time Routine

I realized without thinking, my whole night-time routine is self-care central and here is why. Once I am done with my day and go into the shower to unwind, I make it a whole pampering and self-care time through my shower products. Now, I am not saying I splurged for shower products because I promise I didn't. However, my products consist of body wash, a shower foam, a body scrub, a black soap, and finally a cooling gel body wash. OK, yes it sounds like I splurged, but these are from my Christmas calendar items that I still use today. I first try and see what scent and wash I’m in the mood for in that time. Then, I choose either one or two washes and finish off with a nourishing lotion in which my favorite includes avocado olie and makes my skin extra soft. In addition, if I shower in the morning, which is rare, then I even use the “Happy Buddha” lotion from rituals. It is so super energizing and incredible for early mornings or any mornings really. In general, I could choose a nourishing rice scrub from rituals here. and a foaming gel. I change it up each time in the shower, however. On the other hand, for extra perks, you could use a loofah as well. Using a loofah could change up the shower game to a pamper me because instead of using a body scrub, using a loofah will give a natural scrub and exfoliating effect. In addition, mind you these washes nourish and work for my skin. I would recommend making sure you have a good wash that nourishes and moisturizes the skin. If your skin is sensitive like mine, make sure as well to invest in a few products or just one good product that doesn't make your skin red and doesn't itch. You don't need to use too many products in the shower as well for self-care, just one body wash or soap that you could afford is good enough. However, I typically don't use body soap because my skin is a bit sensitive. 

2) My Own Facials
            I use either facial masks from Tony Moly or even a facial cream, the phat glow facial, from Ole Henriksen. I do make my own facial masks from time to time, but it is rare since I am super busy. My not-so-routine for facials are just during the week, about twice a week or so. Again, my face is super sensitive, so both the products aforementioned, truly work for my skin type and are super nourishing and smooths my face so perfectly. I have no redness nor any irritation. For your own at home facials, you could make your own with avocados or yogurt or you could even invest in some good facial masks as well. Make sure to do what is good for your budget. If you can find great facial masks that are cheap (Hint: Target sells great masks for less) you should do this. You don’t need to splurge for facial products, just if they nourish your skin without irritating it is great! 

3) My Hand Soap
            Yes, you read that correctly, my own hand soap. This is optional and if you already have a body scrub or if you make body scrubs  yourself, then you could use these as well for what I am about to say next. My hand soap has lavastone scrubs in it from Sinnerup here.  This soap is the ultimate self-care pamper me time ever and is another way I sneak in self-care without scheduling it! I have to say, using this soap every day, it never dries out my skin. It is super moisturizing due to great ingredients in it of course! You don’t have to go out of your way to buy a hand soap with scrubs in it, but maybe put in your body scrub or make your own hand scrub and put this into the hand soap dispenser if you want. Only from time to time do I use a lotion after washing my hands anywhere at any time. I either use my body care lotion with avocado oils or the “Happy Buddha” Lotion from rituals as well. That happy buddha lotion smells so incredible and it is even so energizing and calming!

4) Flowers (Optional)
You could have fake flowers or fresh flowers. But I go for real flowers because it feels good to get the real deal and get flowers for yourself. It is a true pamper me day with flowers! I don't buy flowers everyday and it is only on super occasion when I need to lift my spirits up or need that extra pamper me day feels because I actually sometimes get sick from flowers unfortunately. Hence, it is good for my bank, too, that I don't always get a bouquet of flowers each time. Fake flowers work so perfectly as well so there is no need to constantly be picking up flowers, especially money-wise and especially if you are too busy as well, fake flowers go the extra mile! I put my fake succulent plant as well as small fake flowers next to my soap dispenser and it truly changes the game of a pamper me/self-care day in a self-care central bathroom.

In conclusion, this is how I create my own automatic self-care that feels like a pamper me. Hint: Sneaking in dark chocolate or any of your favorite treats once in a blue moon or even wine could really set the mood for self-care pamper me! Now, just make sure if anything to check with your trusted dermatologist about any products and if it will be good for your skin. I truly hope you enjoyed this article and I will talk to you all so soon! 

Ciao and bye for now beautiful,
       Giselle, xoxo!

All links are not paid for nor are affiliate links, so don't worry and click away!  All opinions and thoughts on all products are all my own.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Update: 2020 : The New Decade

Hello fam and happy new years in a new decade! Happy super belated new years to all! I have been super MIA and I'm so super sorry. On a brighter note, I am here now and I have so much great news to share with you all. I have actually moved across country to another country in EU and I am so excited for my new life here. I've actually have been here for a few months now and I have to say it has been so far so good! If you want me to do a post about my adventures in my new home so far, then please comment down below because I have a lot to say. 

This week has been rather relaxing and cozy since I have been staying home to recuperate. I've been cooking lots, doing mundane activities like cleaning, and so on. In short, I have been staying at home being lazy and guilt free. Sometimes, you just need some time to be lazy all to yourself. Am I right? It felt good to relax from some stress I've experienced lately, hence stress in which was not due to moving. However, I am back in the game of blogging and I'm super glad to be back. Hope you are looking forward to new posts as well as a new content and better photos here on the blog!

Well, bye for now and until then fam!


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Arianna's Skincare

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Dear all,
     Hello! I wish you all well today and hope you are doing great this month. I definitely wonder what did you got to do during August? Anyways, right now I am happily writing to you sick in "bed". Well, rather sick on a couch that I call me new bed. Hahh. Antyways, let us get on with the story shall we?

I was taking a stroll in New York City and just hanging out with my friend. As we passed by many shops, one place particularly caught our eye off of a sudden! The one reason was because they had cupcakes, but they weren't just cupcakes, they were bath bomb cupcakes. Yeps, BATHBOMB muthafriggen cupcakes! My friend noticed it first since she was in front of me and when I stopped behind her on the side, I thought they were just plain cupcakes. Of course I would think these cupcakes were just real cupcakes they were handing out because I didn't have my glasses #eyeroll, but bath bomb cupcakes of course aren't bad either. That is how delicious and real these bath bombs looked! Just imagine it!

This place that we happened to pass by was called "Arianna's." I have tried some of their products and I just have to say their products truly work wonders. They have an incredible range of skincare products like facial items for all types of skin, soothing nail/hand treatments, and even hand and body lotions and different scrubs to suit all types of skin as well. I tried out many of their items and I especially sampled much of these products before hand! I would say if you can, email them and ask for a sample or even buy one of their products and try it out yourself, you will not regret at all! #Ipromise.

<333333 always and take care because I care.

Disclaimer: This is not a paid for post.

Friday, August 4, 2017

What I learned from: July.

Hey all you important people I hope you all are doing lovely! Hope your Summer is going well and that you all know you are making the best out of your Summer!Anywho, so one day as I was getting ready for work, I was just playing a game of thinking at the end of July(and ya'll that I of course do a lot of that..unfortunately? LOL). Anyways, I actually got to thinking that I perhaps learned something new after this whole month of July. I will just share with you today on what I learned!

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