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Thursday, February 9, 2017

"The Red Velventines(Valentines) Hot Cocoa"

Hey you Guysss'n'Dolls!!! How are you all doing?!!

  I just want to let you importante people know that, I love you all and I have a special post today for Valentines Day! I never really usually care for Valentines and still don't, I'm not trying to be a buzzkill for you or anything either, but in order to be festive, I just wanted to share with you this recipe. Now Valentines Day is still nice to remind us to keep cherishing moments with people or animals we love, and to keep cherishing and loving ourselves as well! For me Valentines Day, not only includes the Greek god of love aka Eros and his Roman counterpart, Cupid, but it is a day that keeps me remembering to keep making time and taking care of others, as well as myself!

      Anyways, for today, I wanted to keep it classy with a nice lovable recipe for Hot Cocoa! I mean hey, it can't only be me to miss Xmas and have those wintery blues and missing seeing all the Christmas lights. 😭 So I made this recipe for you all, especially since we can share in those blues and make those memories come back to life somewhat I guess.

    This recipe is called "Red Velventines Hot Cocoa" which is my twist of red velvet colouring of hot cocoa with a valentines almond choco twist! Pretty much when red velvet meets almond on Valentines Day! Lol so here it goes. I have also attatched a printable recipe as well! This recipe is not super extra fancy and can be made with whatever you have in your house and you can definitely improvise!I hope you all have fun making this recipe, but also drinking it and I hope you come to love it and make it plenty more times for anyone! Do share this recipe to anyone if you want as well! Again don't be shy to tweak this recipe to your liking and experiment as much as your heart desires.  So why not spoil yourself since you do deserve it and plus it is Valentines or going to be Valentines Day! Make it as special as you want it to be - be it whatever that means to you! <333

Also, if any of you need help with doubling and conversions of this recipe, I have linked this website here: https://doublemyrecipe.com/ to help with all that! Have fun!!!

Disclaimer: This Recipe is my own and you can change it to your liking, but it again uses almonds so if you or someone you know is allergic to nuts I have option 2 recipe linked below as a printable too! Also this recipe isn't only for Valentines and can be made all year 'round and whenever you crave this hot cocoa so go coco for hot cocoa whenever you feel like it! 👍🏽😁
 Please feel free to comment your fav part of making this hot hawt red velventines hot coco. Xoxo love you all! Take care again because I definitely care!<3

      Red Velventines Hot Coco Choco Recipe (Contains Nuts):

Serves: 1 Person (Double the recipe for 2 people, etc).
https://doublemyrecipe.com/ = Website that helps with any doubling and conversions, etc.


-1 Cup of dairy milk or almond, coconut or any non-dairy milk (Use non-dairy if allergic to dairy milk of course).
-1/2 tsp of almond essence/extract.
-1-2 tsp of red food coloring(organic).
-1 cup of chocolate chips of any kind (Includes Milk or Dark or White or can be mix of both/ Whichever you prefer or have).
-1 small saucepan or pot.


Step 1: First, pour the 1 cup of milk of your choice and heat in a pot or saucepan on medium low as to not burn the milk. Bring it to a simmer, about 25-30 minutes. Also, don't put a lid unless you are willing to take off lid and mix it occasionally or else if you put on the lid without mixing, the milk will burn. :/🙈

Step 2: Next, after the milk simmers, pour in the 1/2 tsp of almond extract and the 1-2 teaspoons of the red organic food coloring and whisk slowly so milk doesnt foam too much or use a spoon for mixing. Note: I would say to start off with 1 tsp of red food coloring and if you prefer for a more red color to put 2 or however more your heart desires. You can add more almond extract as well if your heart desires adding it by a few drops at a time mixing and adding more if you want, etc.

Step 3: After, you add in both the extract and food coloring, you can keep the milk on more for 5 minutes so the milk is caulding or hot. Get a large bowl for the 1 cup of chocolate chips.

Step 4: You will see the milk rise and start to see steam coming from the pot. That is when you know the milk is hot enough and would need to surely turn off the heat.

Step 5: Once the milk "mixture"  is hot, pour it into the large bowl with the 1 cup of chocolate chips and start mixing this new mixture together with a whisk or big spoon until the chocolate chips have dissolved, probably about 5-7 minutes and voila! You are done!

Note: There are 5 steps because I thought it would be easier to break down everything for you all, but I swear making this is super easy and quick.

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